Fuel for Thought
                                                                                                  38mmC-slot test # 1
Static Test
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                                                                             38mm Fuel for Thought
                                                                                                    C-Slot 2-21-07  
I have made slight changes to almost every one of the castings of this fuel. A little more of one ingredient or a little less of another. It has taken a little while, but I am beginning to get a feel for it. I have kept careful notes as always, and they are starting to pay off.

For today's test I had a specific purpose in mind. I wanted to pump up the color and lower the overall brightness. I also wanted to test a 38mm C-slot geometry to extend the burn time for better visual effect. The overall thrust time according to the test data was 1.35 seconds. The flame was visible for 1.27 seconds as calculated from video footage.

This fuel has proven  a bit reluctant to light. In the previous two test I cast a short section of RIO doped dextrose propellant at the forward end. This helped to improved ignition times. I decided to skip that step with this motor and it proved to be a mistake. It was 12 seconds from  the time the igniter fired until the thrust began. That is the longest time I have ever recorded for ignition lag. I will resort back to my RIO doped "pre-heater grain" in the future.

Once the motor fired, I was rewarded with a well formed, beautifully colored flame. There was also an interesting candle effect at the end of the burn. This is definitely one of my favorite static test videos.

The ISP was back down in the "normal" range on this burn. The 12 second ramp up may have been part of it. The rest of it was probably due to the fact that the last half of the burn was a long tail off below the 80 Newton thrust range. It still came in at 151.48 total Newtons and 112.21 average Newtons. ISP was 114.94

38mm C-slot static test 2-21-07